- 菲律宾CDE考试怎么考?试题?
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以下为真实考题,当然 考题很多 会在数据库里面小千题目随机生成30左右题目来考您。
- 1.) Where do you need to display your plate number?one in front and one in the rear of the vehicle
two in front
one in the front windshield and one at the back windshield - 2.) Can you drive a motorcycle if your license bears DL Code B ?Yes
No, unless authorized by a traffic enforcer
No - 4.) When can a child be exempted to be sitted in a child restraint system?If the child has a medical, mental, or psychological condition
If the child does not want to be in a child restraint system
If the family is going to a mall - 5.) Where can you contest an alleged traffic violation?at the traffic adjudication office concernedon the street,
before the traffic enforcer leavesat
any adjudication office - 6.) Motorcycle top box specifically designed for motorcycles and approved by DTI may not be subjected for inspection, registration or apprehension provided that:It is securely attached to the motorcycle
It has a maximum capacity of two (2) full-faced helmets
All of the Above - 8.) Which of the following is the objective of Motor Vehicle User’s Charge Law?Additional fund for personnel guarding the road weighing scale
To fund salaries of all traffic enforcers
To fund and prevent premature deterioration of the road - 10.) Who are responsible if a motorcycle was used in the commission of a crime?owner, driver and backriderdriver
only backrider
driver - 11.) What will happen if the driver refuses to undergo mandatory testing, if such driver is suspected of driving under the influence of liquor?Revocation of vehicle registration
Confiscation of driver’s license and consequent automatic revocation
Suspension of driver’s license for two years - 13.) Under the Children’s Safety on Motorcycles Act, a child below 18 years old can’t ride in a two-wheeled motorcycle on public roads unless:The child can comfortably reach his/her feet on the standard foot peg of the motor cycle, his/her arms can reach around and grasp the waist of the motorcycle driver, and he/she is wearing the standard protective helmet.There is a high density of fast moving vehicles or where a speed limit of more than 60 kph is imposed.The driver can grasp the waist of the child sitting in front of the driver and when the child is wearing the standard protective helmet.
- 15.) When do you need to use your seat belt?When driving on a national road
When driving above 10 kph
While the engine is running and before moving off - 16.) When shall an Alcohol Breath Analyzer (ABA) be used?When the enforcement officer insists that ABA is required
When the driver failed at least one of the field sobriety tests
When the driver passed all the field sobriety tests 17.) What does this traffic sign mean?Downhill roadUphill roadBeware of downward vehicles
- 18.) How many hours may a Temporary Operator’s Permit (TOP) be used as a temporary driver’s license?72 hours
48 hours
24 hours - 19.) When you are about to turn left then a fast-moving vehicle from the other side of the road suddenly heads to the direction you intended to turn. What will you do?allow the fast-moving vehicle to passim
mediately turn right
drive fast to avoid the fast-moving vehicle - 20.) What is the ultimate result of a road rage?death
more friends
refreshment - 21.) What is the maximum validity of license that a driver may have if he/she has no traffic violation at the time of renewal?5 years validity
10 years validity
15 years validity - 22.) Registration of motor vehicle may be suspended if:motor vehicle is found to be in conformity with regulations
motor vehicle is found to be unsightly
motor vehicle is not registered to the driver at the time of apprehension - 23.) Is it allowed to drive a motorcycle in a public road pending release of the Certificate of Registration?No
Yes, if travel authority is given by the dealer - 24.) Who has the authority to confiscate a driver’s license during a normal traffic violation?LTO Law Enforcement Officers or LTO Deputized AgentsAnybody,
for as long as the violation is within the provisions of R.A. No. 4136Anybody,
for as long as the traffic enforcer is a permanent employee of the government - 25.) Can a driver be given a 10-year validity license if he/she has traffic violation/s?No
Yes – if all penalties are paid 15 days prior to renewal
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