有需要日本签证的同胞们可以联系我们申请菲律宾前往日本的签证。欢迎咨询我们了解更多,微信BGC998 电报小飞机 @BGC998 优先咨询电报免验证直接咨询。 添加请主动告知咨询事宜 谢谢。日本在菲律宾的大使馆在哪里?怎么申请日本签证?

Please see list of requirements :
1. Passport
* must be valid within 6 months until the return date
* broken passport will not be accepted
* newly issued passports must be signed on page 3 and must have at least two (2) blank pages left
2. Application form — please see attached file
* application form should be filled out all items correctly, if item is not applicable, please fill in [N/A].
* the embassy may not accept application form with blank item, no signature or no date in the form may deny the application that is filled out with wrong information
3. Photo (45mm x 35mm white background)
* photo must be taken within 6 months
* please paste on 1st page of the application form

菲律宾ICARD 菲律宾居住签证
2 ACR ICARD正反面 复印件
3 银行存款证明(如有流水可以一并准备)
4 个人所得税ITR 申请表(我们可以处理)
5 往返机票 酒店预定单 (入股有请提供,没有我们可以处理)
6 近期白底证件照 5张(4.5cm*3.5cm)
欢迎咨询我们了解更多,微信BGC998 电报小飞机 @BGC998 优先咨询电报免验证直接咨询。 添加请主动告知咨询事宜 谢谢。